Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Bonsoir ou bien bonjour(si vous êtes aux Etats-Unis), good evening or else good day (for those in the U.S.)
Comment allez-vous?  Je vais bien.( How is everyone?  I am great.) This week was great too.  We had some good lesson.  In reflecting on this past week, i was thinking about the importance of listening.  I know sometimes i have to make sure and listen more than I speak.  The reason that i have been thinking about this is because we had a lesson with an amie who has been progressing well and even has been coming to church but I wasn't quite sure how to help her even more.  We showed up to her house and she asked a few questions.  We had planned on teaching Lesson Three:the gospel of Jesus Christ ,but it never seemed to be the right moment to start talking about that.  But don't get me wrong, it was an amazing lesson because we just sat and listened to her life story.  She told us about all the churchs she had visted and how she couldn't ever really find the right one. She started expressing to us why she was looking for a new church.  Then the power cut for the whole neighboorhood.  We sat there in the dark  continuing to talk.  Then the moment came and we talked to her about how she really need to be baptized.  My companion bore his testimony.  She didn't commit to a date then and there but she said that she wanted to be baptized.  I know that if we had just came in and started talking about baptism and the holy ghost that it wouldn't have been as good of lesson.  So it was a good remineder that we always have to listen because listening is way more important that speaking.
Also this week or maybe last week i don't rememeber, we had a crazy experience.  We get a call from a random number and the guy on the phone told us that he has a friend who is a member and he would like to have the missionary lessons. We met him at a major intersection in our secteur but didn't have time to sit down and have a lesson. So we invited him to church which happen to be the next day.  He showed up! I have to admit i was kind of surprised.  The next week we had a great lesson with him about the restoration.  He had tons of questions and is quite intressed.  Then he showed up again to church.  It is really funny how we randomly meet people who the lord has prepared.
Well today has been a great p-day also. We went and played Ping Pong at the Church.  It was really great.  Also we ate achkay today(which is a kind of food from the ivory coast.)
I hope all is going well for all of you.
 Je vous aime (love you)
Elder Corey Kimzey

Excerpt from letter to mom

That is great that Casey is already almost finished his mission papers.  He is going to be a good missionary.  It is crazy to think that he can turn in his papers so soon.  I'm excited for him.  It is so crazy to think of all the missionaries will have in our ward by summer.
That is intresting that that return missionary chose hope as the things that bring people to the church.  It is hard to  pinpoint one thing.  But the thing that i found in general is that people are looking for the truth.  That really just want a place that is Christ church.  I know many of them are drawn just by the fact that we just ask people to pray and to read.  We never force anyone to do anything, people find that kind of refreshing here.
I can't believe it has been raining there all this week.  We had a pretty good lightining storm the other day.  Mine is a little warmer than -20(Corey's cousin is serving in Wisconsin...) it is probably closer to 80...
Je t'aime plus que toutes les tartes, les gateaux, les biscuits dans le monde,(I love you more than all the pies, cakes, cookies in the world)
Elder Corey  

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